Superman/Graffiti Pinwheel Folio | Your Book of Memories | Awesome Street Art Papers

Hello, y'all.  Today I am sharing a folio style album I made using the Pinwheel Folio Tutorial from Your Book of Memories.  This folio holds up to 26 - 4" x 6" photos but the way I have it set up it holds 16 4" x 6" photos and 8 4" x 4" photos.  If you make this album you can decide how many of each size photo you want to have.  

A walk-thru of the album is below - from my YouTube Channel - The World of Michael Trent.  The box is not part of the tutorial and I made it to fit the album. 

I used the coolest digital graffiti/street art papers from a shop on Etsy called Digital Printable Me.  They have 11 different collections of digital graffiti/street art papers for your crafting needs.  You can find the collection with the Superman paper, HERE

Here are photos of the book/box:

I hope you enjoyed this folio/album and maybe it has inspired you to make an album or folio for your memories.  Until next time...

Hugs from Brasil.



  1. This book is amazing, Michael! My son is a huge Superman fan!


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