
Showing posts from 2014

Hanukkah Card With StencilGirl Stencils

Hello everyone.  Today is a double whammy day.  I have the above Hanukkah card here on my blog and two other cool, mixed media type of Hanukkah cards on StencilGirl's blog!  3 cards in 1.   Please click HERE  or the photo below to check out the other two cards (but not until you check out this card first - LOL). The cards look like a lot of work - but they aren't.  But I do love the colors and the designs.   Step by Step: 1.  Cut the dark blue cardstock for card base.  Cut silver cardstock and adhere to dark blue cardstock.  Set aside. 2.  On a piece of scrap white cardstock, trace 1 of the large "candles" and 8 of the smaller "candles" from the Shattered stencil. I suggest using a pencil to trace and then go back with a permanent marker afterwards. Using the different elements on the Shattered stencil, design each of the "candles" with a pencil.  Then trace with the permanent Marker. Then ...

Artists Give Back - Amazing Auction - Get Your Holiday Gifts NOW!!

Hello everyone.  Are you looking for a one of a kind, fantastic piece of art for a holiday gift?  Or are you the type that loves to just help out for important causes?   Well there is an amazing auction going on that was started by the fantastic  Jessica Sporn  -  to help raise awareness about  female genital mutilation and to help bring an end to this ceremony imposed on young girls.  All proceeds from this auction will be donated to , an organization devoted to educating and empowering girls with vital information needed to resist FGM and forced early marriages, and to adopt safe and peaceful Alternative Rites of Passage to womanhood. There are currently 47 pieces in this auction including books, clothing, jewelry, and amazing pieces of art by some very very talented artists including Jessica Sporn, Jodi Ohl, Ronda Palazzari, Kirsten Reed, Judy Shea, Dina Wakely, Franc...

A Trip to the MDF (Kaisercraft) Store

Gosh, I meant to do this post last Friday. Where does the time go?  Anyway, while all of my American friends and family were having feasts for Thanksgiving and, since this is not a holiday that is celebrated here and we have no one to celebrate with, we went shopping.  If you are a crafter, you probably know the Kaisercraft brand.  If you are not a crafter, Kaisercraft is an Australian company that manufactures small craft items made from wood, as well as stencils, papers, stamps and more.  But they are really known for their wood products.   We have a town about 20 minutes away, called Pedreira , which is also known for their stores selling MDF wooden products.  Pedreira probably has over 200 different stores just selling MDF products that range from small little dollhouse pieces all the way up to pieces of furniture. Some of the stores are small little shops and others are huge warehouses.  It's crazy!!  Arts and crafts is huge h...

Puppy Update and Client Madness

Hey everyone.  Sorry - it's been a crazy time and, as much as I have wanted to blog, I have been crazy busy with other things.  Like puppies!!  And emergency, last minute projects for clients.  Puppies are doing well. Sunshine, Cappuccino, and Whiskey have all opened their eyes.  Just waiting for Latte to open his now! As for the clients, last Friday we had someone stop over asking if I could make a signature book for her nephew's wedding.  Sure I can.  She wanted something simple.  25 black pages inside. Simple silver/white/black look. When did she need it by?  3 days later!  I was able to pump this out in less than an hour!!  Below are photos of the front of the book and the inside cover and first page. Then, not more than an hour later, another customer stopped by asking me to make some Christmas cards for her.  She told me she wanted 6" square cards but she wanted the front to look like a clo...

Bella Was Pregnant! Who Knew?

Bella with her new babies - Sunshine, Whiskey, Cappuccino, and Latte (we think) Good morning everyone.  I had done another card yesterday morning but did not have time to write up anything about it because my day went haywire in the afternoon.   We have puppies!! As many of you know, we have 3 dogs.  Sasha (a pitbull,) and Max and Bella, mixed mutts from the streets.  Both rescue dogs.  Well, long story short - I wanted to get Max fixed as soon as we got him.  But we didn't.  Then Bella went into heat right when I was leaving for NY.  Ruy did his best to keep them apart but apparently it didn't work.  LOL.  It seems that Bella had gotten pregnant while I was away.  Yeah, I know, it's not just her fault!   When I got back here to Brasil the first thing I said to Ruy - after I saw Bella - was that I thought she looked pregnant.  Her nipples were larger, her belly was bigger and hanging down.  He told ...

"Fowl Play" Holiday Card No. 2

Happy Tuesday everyone.  Yeah, it finally rained.  Not much, but a bit.  So, everyone in the states must be enjoying the short week.  Where is everyone going for Thanksgiving? Today's post is another Christmas card using the Fowl Play stencil designed by Andrea Matus DeMeng for StencilGirl Products. Again, this card is easy peasy!!   Step by Step: Cut a piece of red cardstock 8.5" x 5.5", score at 4.25" and fold in half. This is your card base.  Cut two pieces of white cardstock 4" x 5.25". Adhere one piece to the inside of the card to be written on.     On the other piece of white cardstock, lay the stencil on one side of the phrase and, with a dauber and black ink (I used Black Soot Distress Ink), daub the bird stencil outline.  Now clean your stencil, flip it over, and do the other side.   Again, trust me on the "clean your stencil" part!! Die cut the Traditional Ornament (98917)by Memory Box from red...

Today on StencilGirl Talk - StenDoodled Ornament and Necklace

Happy Monday everyone.  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  It was overcast and muggy here all weekend and, as much as we wanted it to rain, it didn't.  We NEED rain so badly! But I got a few cards made for blog posts, and that's a good thing!  LOL Today I am over on StencilGirlTalk - showing a step by step on how to make the two pieces in the photo above.  Both are StenDoodles done in some heart bezels by Spellbinders. One is a Christmas tree ornament and the other is a necklace.   Hope you can pop on over and check the post out.  Leave some comments and tell me what you think!  Just click HERE !  Hugs from Brasil - ~Michael

"Fowl Play" Holiday Card No. 1

Happy Sunday everyone.  It's a bit overcast here today and I am really hoping it rains. We are having a major H2O shortage and we can REALLY use the rain here!   Today's post is another card with a stencil - the Fowl Play stencil by StencilGirl Products.  Not only do I love this stencil but I love the name even more.   Fowl Play....what a great play on words here. Several holiday cards popped into my head as soon as I saw this stencil.  Today is the first card.  I'll have other cards this week using the same stencil.   Instead of my usual step by step with 32 steps (LOL), I am going to give a short paragraph of how I put the card together with a list of the supplies used should you want to try it yourself.  These cards are not difficult at all and I am sure many of your family and friends would love to receive one of these cards! Step by Step: Cut a piece of red cardstock 7" x 7", score at 3.5" and fold in half.  ...

Cosmopolis Street Art

Just a cool photo of some cool street art on a textured wall here in Cosmopolis, Sao Paulo, Brasil.  Some might call it graffiti, some call it dirt, but I call it art! What do you call it?   ~Michael

"You Mean The World To Me" Card

Hey everyone!  Well, I am back in Brasil.  I had a great two months in NY and will blog a bit about my trip in a few days. Got out just in time as the cold swept down as my plane left.  As much as I loved being back home, it was very hard for me to do much crafting since most of my stuff was here. But now, I can get back into the groove.   One day when I was hanging at The Ink Pad  NYC's best rubber stamp store) - I saw the phrase used in this card and knew I had the stencil to go with it when I got home. This is a VERY simple and easy card to make to show someone you care about just how much you love them - no matter where in the world they may be. Step by Step: 1.  Cut a piece of dark blue cardstock 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" and score in half. This is your card base.   Cut 2 pieces of cardstock 4" x 5 1/4". Stamp the phrase on the bottom of one piece. Distress the edges of the other piece and adhere to the inside of the card. 2. ...

StenDoodled 2015 Calendar with StencilGirl Club Stencils

Hey everyone.  I am on the StencilGirl Blog today showing how I transformed one of those $1.50 two-year calendars that every craft store has, into a one of a kind StenDoodled calendar.  But I used only stencils from StencilGirl's Monthly Club!  Come check it out - HERE . For more info on the monthly kit, which includes stencils only available through the club, click HERE !  If you LOVE stencils, you will want to check it out. Hugs!! Michael

Great Classes At Great American Stamp Store

So many stencils and markers!! This weekend I taught some classes at Great American Stamp Store in Westport, CT.  The morning class was an Intro to StenDoodle class and the afternoon class was a Memory Box Holiday Card class.  We had so much fun. I was very lucky that my BFF Sue drove me up there, hung out while I gave the classes and then drove us back.  I did not ask her to do this but when I mentioned to her that I was going to take the train, she almost slapped me.  Of course the StenDoodle class was a very quiet one because everyone just zones and zens out while doing this technique.  For this class we made an ATC and 4.5" card using Art Squares from Inchie Arts (my new favorite product).  I really think everyone loved it and everyone made different and fun cards. This is me talking about what to look for in a stencil when doing StenDoodle.   The Great American Stamp Store is located at 8 Church Street South in Westpo...

Have You Ever Seen A StenDoodled Elephant From Marrakech?

I betcha that title caught your eye!!  I am on StencilGirl Talk today with a project that has been bugging to get out of my head for weeks - Marvin the StenDoodled Elephant from Marrakech!  LOL This stencil called " Elephant Parade " is part of Nathalie Kalbach's newest release for StencilGirl Products .  When I first saw the stencil online, this is the project that immediately jumped into my head and I had to get my hands on it.  I am thrilled with how it came out and hope you can pop by StencilGirlTalk to see the step by step and show StencilGirl some Love! HERE ! Thanks and Hugs from New York ~Michael

Inchie Arts/Art Squares/StenDoodle Technique

Card by Lisa Lee of Inchie Arts using StenDoodle with stamps! Good morning everyone! I have recently become friends with Lisa Lee, the owner of Inchie Arts , which is a company that makes Art Squares.  Art Squares are 4-ply mat board that you can pretty much use for anything!  You can use it with dry or wet products - use with sprays, texture pastes, inks, markers, paints, pen and pencil.  Just about anything!  It does not warp and keeps it's shape.  I am in love with these Art Squares.  They also come in several colors (although I am partial to white since I add so much color) and they start at 1" squares and go up to 4" squares. Today Inchie Arts is participating in a blog with CardMaker Magazine and one of the projects that Lisa does uses a 4" Art Square with a twist on my StenDoodle technique. Hope you guys can show some love, check out the blogs, and leave comments!!   There is also a giveaway to win some Art Squares of your own ...