Abstract Photographer Folio | Sāo Paulo Walking Tour | Photography Papers


Hey everyone.  OK...so much to talk about.  This past Saturday, Ruy and I joined about 150 other photographers for a walking tour around several interesting spots in Sāo Paulo that was put together by our friend Jose Luiz.  He runs an amazing photo/cinema club in Sāo Paulo called FCCB - Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante.   We met a lot of new people and we took lots of cool photos.  I will have another blog post about that.

I wanted to make an album or folio for Jose Luiz and, since there was also a challenge in the Your Book of Memories Community to make the Abstract Folio by the end of January, I decided to make the folio for the challenge and give the album to Jose Luiz.    

The papers and clipart I used in the folio come from 3 different sources - Angie Blom Digital Designs, A Whimsical Adventure on Etsy, and my friend Anne of Constantly-Carding.   I had problems finding a mature and realistic collection of papers for photographers so I posted a question to the group she runs - A Perfect Time to Craft.  Anne works with digital papers, toppers, cliipart, etc. and she was able to put this collection together for me.  You can find all of her digital collections in her store on PicPay (link at the end) and, if you are looking for something specific, she would love to try to put it together for you.

Below is a walk-thru of the folio.  

Here are photos of the folio and inserts.  This folio has space for 30+ photos - all for 10cm x 15cm photos (4" x 6" photos).

If you watch the video, all the photos will make better sense.  Thanks for stopping by my page today.  I hope you love this folio as much as I do.  If you have any questions, just ask me.  Until next time...

Hugs from Brasil.


  1. Such a fabulous folio, Michael! Love those gorgeous papers!

    1. Thanks so much Celeste. I love these papers too! Thanks for the comment and stopping by my blog.


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