Equality For All Card Collaboration with Misty, The Jolly Fat Elf


**Disclaimer - If you have issues with the idea of Equality For All people - no matter their race, skin color, religious affiliation, their level of income or education, or how they identify sexually - then you might not want to read this post.  But, I hope you do stay and read it.  


Hello everyone and welcome to the first Equality For All collaboration between myself and Misty, The Jolly Fat Elf (and, hopefully, others down the road).  Misty and I collaborated in June for Pride Month and, out of that, came this "Equality For All" idea.  We both feel that ALL humans should be treated with the same respect and equality no matter their race, skin color, how they identify sexually, their gender, their income level, what country they come from, what language they speak, or their religious affiliation is. 

WE DON'T CARE!  As long as they are decent people, respect others, do no harm to children or animals, and try to make this planet a better place to live. 

So, on the last day of each month, we will join forces and make a card for equality - it could be for the LGBT+ community, BLM, indigenous tribes around the world, and even women.  Sadly, the list goes on and on.   

I am really blown away that, in this day and age, there is so much hatred and inequality - not just in the USA but in the world.  Trump, MAGA, OAN, Proud Boys, Fox News, Nazis...who knew, in 2022, that I would read about Nazis in the newspaper?  Good grief. 

And lets not even talk about the amount of elected officials spreading so much hate - against democracy, the constitution, even twisting the Bible to meet their needs.  It's sick. Why do so many people care about what other people are doing in their private lives?  It's really mind-blowing.   

Let's face it - humanity is doomed.  The planet is doomed.  Sorry for the bad news.  But, I can keep making cards and art until that day comes.  LOL  

Anyway, this insane "Don't Say Gay" law in Florida is beyond crazy.  Then again, just look at the elected officials in Florida and it explains everything.  So I decided to make this card of two cops kissing and proclaiming that they are gay.  Oh, they live in Florida and also work for the Governor there.  LOL

I started by making a top-folding A2 card base from black cardstock.  I also printed one of the digital graffiti papers that I bought from Digital Printable Me on Etsy. I felt that the Banksy image I am using warranted being in front of some street art.   

I used a stitched rectangle die, 4" x 5.25", to cut the part of the graffiti image I wanted in the background, which I adhered to the card front.  I also used the same die to cut a piece of white cardstock, which I adhered to the inside of the card.

Next, I stamped the Banksy Kissing Cops image from Viva Las Vegas Stamps on white cardstock with Onyx Black Versafine ink.  Then I embossed it with clear embossing powder, fussy cut the image, and adhered it to the card front using foam tape. 

A little history about this Banksy Kissing Coppers image.  It's a stencil that pictures two British policemen kissing.  It was originally unveiled on the wall of The Prince Albert Pub in Brighton in 2004.  Kissing Coppers has frequently been regarded as one of Banksy's most notable works, so much so that it was selected as the most iconic British piece of art at The Other Art Fair in London.  {Wikipeidia}.

Next, I wanted speech bubbles that said "Gay".  So I printed the words on white cardstock and used a speech bubble die from my stash to cut them out.  Then I colored them and adhered them using foam tape. 


Misty, The Jolly Fat Elf, also has this amazing card over on her YouTube Channel. 

You can check it out HERE.  You should also subscribe to her since she does some really fun cards all year round.  

OK...done with my rant.  Off my soapbox.  I really hope you love these cards and our reasons for making them.  I would love for you to leave a comment - what do you think of the cards, the reason for this collab - just be nice.  You are allowed to have a different view than we do but I will not tolerate hate-filled comments.  Maybe one day I can bring you over to the side filled with light and love.  LOL

And, if you want to join us each month or just one month, just let one of us know and we'll talk.  

Below are the links to all of our social media links if you would like to follow or subscribe.  

Misty's Links

The Jolly Fat Elf on Facebook

The Jolly Fat Elf on Instagram

The Jolly Fat Elf on YouTube

My Links

The World of Michael Trent on Instagram

The World of Michael Trent on Facebook

The World of Michael Trent on YouTube

Anyway, thanks for stopping by the blog today.  I wonder how many have read this far.  LOL. Love to all and, until next time - 

Hugs from Brasil.



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