
Showing posts from August, 2022

Equality For All Card Collaboration with Misty, The Jolly Fat Elf

  **Disclaimer - If you have issues with the idea of Equality For All people - no matter their race, skin color, religious affiliation, their level of income or education, or how they identify sexually - then you might not want to read this post.  But, I hope you do stay and read it.   ------------- Hello everyone and welcome to the first Equality For All collaboration between myself and Misty, The Jolly Fat Elf (and, hopefully, others down the road).  Misty and I collaborated in June for Pride Month and, out of that, came this "Equality For All" idea.  We both feel that ALL humans should be treated with the same respect and equality no matter their race, skin color, how they identify sexually, their gender, their income level, what country they come from, what language they speak, or their religious affiliation is.  WE DON'T CARE!  As long as they are decent people, respect others, do no harm to children or animals, and try to make this planet a ...

Crafty Elves Countdown To Christmas - August 2022 Edition

  Hello everyone and welcome to the August 2022 edition of The Crafty Elves' Countdown to Christmas.  I took last month off but I am back this month with 4 new Christmas card ideas.    3 of them use a digital stamp so, if you want to recreate them, the cost will not break the bank.  If you are just joining us, on the 25th of each month, the Crafty Elves -  Debra of  Meticulosity , Lisa of  Life of a BZScrapper , and myself - post {up to} 4 Christmas/Holiday card ideas.  Instead of stressing in November to make holiday cards, we make them each month so, at the end of the year, we are ready to send them out.  And we hope to inspire you to do the same.   Links to Debra's and Lisa's projects, as well as links to all of our social media pages, are at the end of this post.    There are even more photos of the individual cards over on my IG page too.   Now, on to my ideas for this month. Card No. 1 The idea for thi...