
Showing posts from February, 2014

StenDoodle An Oreo...

Okay, I admit, the title of this blog post is a bit misleading.  I didn't really StenDoodle an Oreo cookie.  Just the name.  You see, I have a problem.  A BIG problem.  I LOVE Oreo cookies.  Original Oreos are fine but Double Stuffs?  YUM!!!  And Double Stuffs are not available here in Brasil - yet.  Of course, I have friends that like to tease me by putting almost anything Oreo related up on my Facebook page.  (Barbara Brisken and Wayne Gartley - you know who I am talking about. LOL) This morning, Wayne Gartley, owner of Viva Las Vegas Rubber Stamps (an AMAZING store in Las Vegas, by the way) put this picture on my Facebook page -  My mind started to turn.  I let him know that if this logo printed out well, I was going to Stendoodle it.  Well, it printed out just fine.  And then I got to work...a few StencilGirl Stencils....some Tombow and Sharpie markers...a black permanent marker....FUN!! ...

StenDoodling Is For The Birds!!

Hi everyone!!  Today on StencilGirl's Blog is my post called "StenDoodling Is For The Birds".  I show you several ways to use one stencil - Tall Birds - to make some cards.  Hope you come check it out. Just click on the photo below!! ~Michael

Help Cindy and Kevin Get To Brasil!!!

**This post will stay on top of the blog until February 16th, which is when this contest ends.** Hey everyone.  I need your getting some friends of mine to Brasil.  No, I am not asking for money for their plane tickets.  LOL.  All you need to do is "Like" a Facebook page.  Yes, that's it.  I swear!! My friend Cindy and her husband Kevin have entered a contest being given by Fogo de Chão, a fantastic Brasilian steakhouse with locations both in the USA and here in Brasil.  Cindy and Kevin can really, really use this vacation.  Many of you probably know Cindy from the paper crafting industry, her dies with Spellbinders, her new Tool in One tool, and her website -  She also has tons of Brasilian papercrafters and stampers that buy from her all the time.  Many of my friends are her friends and we would all love to get them here to Brasil!!   So, if you could just take a minute, all you...

Sneak Peek - For The Birds

Hey next blog post on StencilGirl Talk is set for February 17th.  Below are a few "sneak peeks" of my tutorial.  I am not allowed to say or reveal much (you have no idea how angry those StencilGirl Girls can get - LOL) - but I will be using 1 really cute stencil to make a bunch of different cards.   Let's just say it's totally "For The Birds"..... I really hope you can join me on February 17th on !!! Hugs -  ~Michael

My Life In Brasil - Bairro da Ipiranga (Ipiranga Neighborhood)

A few weeks ago we had to go into Ipiranga, Sao Paulo to pick up some supplies for a class.  While waiting for the items, we had a chance to walk around the neighborhood a bit.    This neighborhood, or Bairro in Portuguese, is called Ipiranga and it is where the Emperor Pedro I of Brasil proclaimed the independence of Brasil from Portugal on September 7, 1822.   Here are some shots of the neighborhood - many are charming old homes. Below are shots of Independence Park.  One end is the Museu Paulista , which was built in 1895 as a commemorative monument for the anniversary of the independence of Brasil. It was built to be a museum and it is still a museum today.  (Thank you Renata Geraissati for giving me the correct info.) The park is very much like Central Park, but smaller, where people walk, skateboard, jog, chill out, watch people, etc. But, the best shot I got was this really really really cool ...

StenDoodling With A Rubber Stamp - Valentine's Day Card

Hello everyone.  I'm back again with another Valentine's Day card but this time I am showing how to StenDoodle with a rubber stamp, and, of course, a bunch of stencils from StencilGirl!!! For this project I am using the Big Hearts Background Stamp by Stamp Camp.  This is a great stamp to use because of the large areas inside the hearts, which you will fill with parts of other stencils to give a totally different look.  And, the stamp is on until February 14th on their site!!!  This is also a great stamp for an Anniversary Card or just an I Love You card too.  (Disclaimer - I am not earning anything from using this stamp, nor was I given this stamp by Stamp Camp.  I do know the owner and I have a large collection of her stamps.  Disclaimer finished.) Supplies Used : Big Hearts Rubber Stamp (S442) by Stamp Camp Fluid Chalk Ink pad in Warm Red by ColorBox Spider Web Stencil by StencilGirl Products 6 Point Starry Night by S...