Thursday, June 27, 2019

If You Give A Crafter A Cookie Challenge No. 120 With A Pineapple

Hi everyone.  I have some exciting news to share with everyone.  I am now a Design Team member for the If You Give A Crafter A Cookie Challenge Blog.  My friend Debra has been on the team for some time now and she urged me to apply and I was asked to join the other talented people.  It's a fun blog where the inspiration for each challenge is based on a photo of a cookie.  And I do love cookies, and cake, and brownies....sorry, I digressed.  I hope you will start to follow them and play along with us.

The inspiration for my first project for the Design Team was this photo for Challenge No. 120 -

Having no images of fruit that I can think of, I jumped onto Etsy and found THESE adorable digi images of fruits to use, which also happen to be on sale for 50% right now!  

I started by printing out a sheet of the pineapples at 25% of their original size on to white cardstock.  Then I played around with some of my BIC colors and colored in two of them and then I fussy cut them out.   


I made a top folding A2 card base of white cardstock.  Then I cut a piece of Marigold Morning cardstock (Stampin Up/Retired), 4" x 5.25", and embbosed it with the Diamonds & Dots embossing folder (QuicKutz/Retired).  I felt that the criss/cross design of the folder went well with the pineapple. 

I fussy cut the pineapple, adhered it with pop dots to a piece of white cardstock, which I then adhered to a piece of orange cardstock, which i then adhered to the card front.

Next, I lightly applied Firefly and Yellow Stickles (Ranger) on the pineapple.  I also adhered 3 sequins to the card front (mainly because I had to cover up a spot that appeared out of nowhere).  LOL

While the Stickles were drying, I went online to research what the pineapple meant.  My friend Sue told me once and, even though I thought it meant "thanks", it really means "welcome" throughout the South and symbolizes friendship, hospitality and warmth.

I stamped a speech bubble with the word "welcome" (Balloon Talk/CTMH) using Onyx Black Versafine ink, heat embossed it with clear embossing powder, fussy cut it, and adhered it on the card front.

And here is the final card.

I loved making this card.   I have to admit, when I saw the cookie inspiration I was thinking "what the heck am I going to make using fruit?"  But it pushed me out of my comfort zone, which is what these card challenges are all about.  Actually, I was so inspired by this challenge that I made some other cards using the same digi stamp set and those will be posted in the next few days. 

I'd love to know what you thought of this card.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  I read and answer all the comments left for me.  And if you take part in Challenge No. 120 please let me know so I can check out your project.  Until next time -

Hugs from Brasil - 



  1. Hello! Sorry for not being here and looking at your beautiful creations but i am back:) I love this card with the pineapple being a welcome sight. I love the glitter and the background embossed cardstock. The pineapple motif can be found in many stately homes of this era

  2. Hi Birgit!! I was wondering what happened to you! I hope you are well!! Thanks for your comments on my little pineapple!! Appreciate you stopping by the blog again!


Hang 10 | Learn To Surf | Technique Junkies Surfing Card

  Hello everyone and Happy Saturday!  When we go to the beach I love to sit and watch the surfers on the waves.  It must be an amazing feeli...