The Crafty Elves' Countdown to Christmas - January 2022
Hello everyone and welcome to the year 2022. I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday and New Year. It was quiet for us. We spend a few days at the beach for Christmas and my birthday and then, for the New Year, we were here enjoying the rain. It always seems to rain on New Year's Eve here. So, Debra ( Meticulosity ), Lisa ( Life of a BZScrapper ), and I ( World of Michael Trent ) are back for another year of Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday cards. To start the new year off with a bang, we have our first Guest Crafty Elf. We are being joined by Liz McGuire, aka Buttons for Brains on both IG and YouTube. All social media links are at the end of this post for easy access. Now, on to my card ideas... Idea No. 1 I think this is the perfect card and stamp to use to kick off the holiday cards for 2022. Make a card in December or January using this stamp and you are covered for the whole year. Easy peasy! I started b...