The Daily Marker 30 Day Color Challenge/World Of Michael Trent Contest

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**Please note....this post will stay at the top of my blog until March 2, 2016.  Please scroll down to see the current daily post.  Thanks!**

**Disclaimer - neither Kathy Racoosin nor The Daily Marker have anyhing to do with nor are they involved in my contest.  This is just my way of getting people involved and to help get them coloring!**

Hello everyone.  As I mentioned on my blog post yesterday, today starts The Daily Marker's 30 Day Color Challenge and I plan on participating again.  THIS post explains it all. There's no pressure, no requirements other than to "try" and color for at least 10 minutes per day (code for "relax") for 30 days, you get to have a lot of fun AND you get to meet some amazing friends and other artists along the journey.  And you have chances to win prizes too!

The last time I did this challenge I was all over the place.  I just kinda went with the flow and colored whatever I saw laying around.  This time I would like to try something different.  I am going to work on note cards in smaller formats - 4" square - to start for the first week or so.  After that a different size.  They will be simple, clean, an image, some coloring, and, if needed, a phrase.  At the end of the 30 Day Color Challenge, I want to have a contest and send several sets of these cards off to a few lucky winners.  Maybe even some Brasilian candy!!  LOL

What do you need to do to have your name entered into the contest?  Just leave me a comment on each days project telling me what you thought (good or bad).  You can also "follow me" on Instagram, or become my "friend" or "follow me" on Facebook, but these are not requirements.  But a cool way to get to know a crazy American artist now living in Brasil. 

Feel free to pass this along, share with your social media friends.  The more the merrier!! to do my first post for the challenge.  Hope to hear from a lot of you guys and make some new cool friends along the way.  OPEN to the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!

Hugs from Brasil - 



  1. Thanks! Looking forward to your creations.

  2. Sounds like a great idea Michael and so generous too! Let the coloring begin. Also thanks for your support of The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge. You are pretty dang sweet. Hugs, Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! And thanks for having the 30 Day Coloring Challenge!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you like the idea! Thanks for stopping by the blog.


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