A Week of Presents

While I was in Brasil two of my friends sent me little packages. I love gifts. Who doesn't? This package was from my friend Marcia. She sent me beautiful ribbons, some hat pins, some rubber stamps, stamped images, a fantastic t-shirt (I love graphic t-shirts), some Pedras da Lua, and a great cake made of Fubu and coconut. Check out her blogs here - http://marciamattos.blogspot.com/ - this is her personal craft blog, and http://estampandoalegria.blogspot.com/ - this is a blog that Marcia started with some friends in which they make cards for people who have cancer - to let people know that they are being thought of and to bring some color and happiness into their lives during their treatment. This package was from my friend Carla. She is a master teacher of quilling in Brasil. The items in the photo are all used for quilling. Her husband made the template of circles. Carla is a very talented person. Check out her blog here - http://www.carla.prediger.nom.br/EnglishVersion.h...