
Showing posts from February, 2017

"Loving On" - Your Next Stamp - Congratulations/Cheers Card

Happy Saturday everyone!!  Here in Brasil it's time for Carnaval, which is very different than the one in New Orleans! This is  an annual  festival held between the Friday afternoon (51 days before  Easter ) and  A sh Wednesday  at noon, which marks the beginning of  Lent , the forty-day period before Easter.  Huge parades of "Samba Schools" are going on every night in all the major cities here.  Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have the largest parades, which are also televised.  The costumes are amazing and some of them take a whole year to make and use amazing fabrics, feathers, beads, crystals..... If you want to learn more about it, check out this page on Wikipedia HERE . Now for today's post.....I have another card for the "Loving On" - Your Next Stamp.  I love this set of champagne glasses from " Clink ".  You can use this set for an anniversary, for the New Year, to celebrate a new baby or a new's just ...

"Loving On" - Your Next Stamp with Katemade Designs

Hello everyone!!  Today is my opportunity to share with you another blogger's love of Your Next Stamp in the "Loving On" series.  So, without further ado, I would like to introduce Katie Bolinger to you guys -  ------------------------------------- Hello World Of Michael Trent readers. I’m Katie Bolinger and I have been paper crafting for nearly 20 years. As a graphic designer I spend my days looking at a computer screen, I started paper crafting so I could be creative after work without having to look at a screen. I’ve tried a lot of different papercrafts but I always come back to making cards. Three years ago I tried Project Life to document the first year of our puppy’s life. I took a lot of pictures of my son and our dog as they grew. A lot of pictures. When I had the select few I planned to use printed I wanted a number of them cut to 3”x4” with rounded corners. This was going to be a pain. I searched the interwebs for a die I could run through my Cutt...

"Loving On" - Your Next Stamp ....

Hello everyone!!  Sorry for disappearing.  No, I was not abducted by aliens nor did I win a round-the-world cruise.  LOL. Life just got in the way as most of you can understand.  The holidays were a bit crazy here and I did some travelling to other parts of Brasil.  Then….well…..I lost my mojo.  I think I left the door open one day it went for a very long walk.  LOL But it’s back now and I need to thank Katie over at Katemade Designs !  She posted on Facebook that she was going to do one of her “Loving On” series using stamps by Your Next Stamp and she was looking for others to join her. So here I am! I have loved products by Your Next Stamp for a few years now.  Not only are they adorable but they are really well made, their phrases come in some really nice fonts, and their customer service is amazing.   So this week I am “Loving On - Your Next Stamp”.  I will have two posts this week and I will be sharing posts from s...