
Showing posts from March, 2015

Today I Am The Guest Designer Over At "Can You Case It?"

I was asked by my friend Eva , who I met through my friend Justin , who I met through my friend Renee  because I had been following him on Pinterest (whoa, long story.  Sorry, I digressed).  Anyway, Eva asked me if I would be a Guest Designer on her challenge blog called " Can You Case It? ".  I was honored to be asked and  said "sure"..."no problem"..."I'd be honored"...blah, blah, blah.  Then I found out that I wasn't really "casing" something already made.  I was given a "sketch" to "case"!   To be honest - I HATE SKETCHES!  LOL So I sat myself down and had a little conversation with myself.  I told myself, "self, sometimes you just have to face your fears, face those things that make you squirm, and sweat, and put fear into your creative thought process".  But I did it.  And, I have to admit, it was a lot more fun than I expected.  Maybe I be taking part in other sketches down the ...