From what I have been told, when the country of Brasil was owned by the king of Portugal, he granted huge areas of the country to specific families. Ya know, those families with lots and lots of money that would do anything for the King. Well, our town, Cosmopolis, is what it is today because the Nogueira family. The Nogueira family formed a sugar cane mill on March 2, 1898 called the Usina Ester. The Mill is one of the oldest Sugar Mills in the State of Sao Paulo and is still in operation today, making both sugar and ethanol for Brasil. The Mill sits on the edges of our town. Well, back in the day, most of the employees lived on the same land as the mill, in row houses called Colonys. The Colonies were owned by the Mill and the employees lived there for free, just having to pay for some food and clothing, which were bought at the Cooperative in the Mill. Ruy, my partner, lived in a Colony until he was 8 years old, when his family move...