
Showing posts from May, 2014

StencilGirl Easy Peasy Notebook Tutorial

Hey everyone.  I have a new video tutorial on how to make the above mini notebook - over at the StencilGirl blog...StencilGirl Talk.  Hope you can stop by and check it out.  Just click on the photo above, or the link below!! CLICK HERE  Hugs, ~Michael

A Test To Seal Dylusions Sprays and Acrylic Paints

I am one of the moderators on the StencilGirl Club Facebook Page and one of the members asked a question last night about how to seal a project in which she had used Dylusions sprays, some acrylic paints and some pens. Well, let me say right here - I am NOT an artist.  Well, not a trained one. I never remember what to use with what and am always making tests on small pieces of paper to see what happens.  So, why not do a test this time?   To be honest, this was a lot of fun for me.  I tend to always grab the same mediums.  Tonight I just played!  I put paints on top of mod podge.  I used distress inks over molding paste.  It was so much to just play and see what happens.  And I really LOVE how these pieces came out.   So - the testing.... First thing I did was take a sheet of watercolor paper, which I did NOT gesso, and sprayed it with some Dylusions sprays (London Blue, Postbox Red, Pure Sunshine, and Fresh Lime - if y...

Brasil - Finding Art Among The Rubble

From what I have been told, when the country of Brasil was owned by the king of Portugal, he granted huge areas of the country to specific families.  Ya know, those families with lots and lots of money that would do anything for the King.  Well, our town, Cosmopolis, is what it is today because the Nogueira family.  The Nogueira family formed a sugar cane mill on March 2, 1898 called the Usina Ester.  The Mill is one of the oldest Sugar Mills in the State of Sao Paulo and is still in operation today, making both sugar and ethanol for Brasil.  The Mill sits on the edges of our town.  Well, back in the day, most of the employees lived on the same land as the mill, in row houses called Colonys. The Colonies were owned by the Mill and the employees lived there for free, just having to pay for some food and clothing, which were bought at the Cooperative in the Mill.  Ruy, my partner, lived in a Colony until he was 8 years old, when his family move...

Auction For Girl Rising and #BringBackOurGirls

Hello everyone.  There is an amazing auction going on - RIGHT NOW - HERE - to raise funds for GirlRising, which is a global campaign for girls' education.   Girl Rising unites girls, women, boys and men who believe every girl has the right to go to school and the right to reach her full potential. The auction runs through May 17, 2014 and currently has 54 items up for bid.  All the proceeds raised are being donated directly to Girl Rising. All of the works AND the shipping costs have been donated by some of the most amazing artists around, many of which I know for years.  Many are also part of my family at StencilGirl, either on the Creative Team or as designers of the stencils I use in my own art, and include -  Jessica Sporn Linda Kittmer Marjie Kemper Judy Shea    http://thekeytomyar...

Easy Peasy Mixed Media Note Cards

On the StencilGirl Blog today is my post on making Easy Peasy Note Cards!  I used some of my left over Mixed Media papers from my Mini Album with Seth Apter's stencils.   Just click on the photo above or click  HERE . Hope you can stop by and check it out. Hugs - ~Michael