Faux Suede - My First Tutorial
Yesterday I was cruising some blogs and I came across an amazing tutorial (at least to me). The blog, Out To Impress by Julie Koerber (and, trust me, she does impress), had a great tutorial on using Liquid Applique to make faux suede backgrounds or sheets of paper. Her blog, which you must check out for yourself, is http://outtoimpress.blogspot.com/ . Thank you Julie for allowing me to get this technique out to others. This is my first tutorial so I hope it's okay and understandable. Now, on to what you need to do.... Supplies you will need are a heat gun, card stock, liquid applique, and a brayer. Next, lay your card stock on a piece of scrap paper or craft sheet and squeeze a thick line across the middle or squeeze some all over the card stock as I did. Then, using your brayer, roll the liquid applique across the whole card stock and cover the entire surface. It will not come out perfect and you will have imperfections. I feel this just gives it more of a suede, vintage, or dis...